Devyn & Raynisha
Married in 2005 at 21, we faced many obstacles in our marriage in addition to having much love.
We have 3 children and encounter challenges throughout our marriage journey just the same.
We have developed a blueprint to our marriage that allows us to discuss all challenges internal or external and help us deepen our connection within our marriage.
Many adults do not understand the truest form of love and thus have a difficult time expressing such. Having the ability to understand internal emotions and traumas, and how they affect the marriage is key. Knowing how to accept and give love according to yours and partners love language is crucial in ensuring a healthy long-lasting relationship.
During our journey of marriage, we have developed a specific outline to help couples discover their specific blueprint for their marriage. If it be pre or post marital counseling, couples need to decide what their blueprint or foundation to their marriage will model.
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